






     Colybrix, thank you very much for your permission that I may translate your tutorials


     Tutorial here




    Place the selections in the Selections folder of your Psp

    For the Script file, you can leave it in the material or put it in the Regulated Scripts folder, if you leave it in the material it will suffice to fetch it from the material when you need it




    Penta com


    Eye candy 5 - Impact



    Foreground color : #fafafa

    Background color : #561841



    1 -  File - New  900 x 550 pixels

    Fill with dark color

    Selections - Select all

    Edit - Copy "mentali-misted2262"

    Edit - Paste into selection

     2 -  Selections - Select none

    Effects - Image effects  - Seamless tiling by default

     3 - Adjust - Blur - Radial blur


     4 - Effects - Distorsion Effect - Wrap 


    Effects -  Edge effects -  Enhance

     5 - Layers - Duplicate

    Blend mode  Soft Light 

    Effects - Penta com - Color Dot by default

     6 - Effects - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles


    Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

     7 - Layers - New  Raster Layer

    Fill with the light color

    Layers – New mask layer from image – select "Silvie_Mask_Deco42H"

    Effects -  Edge effects -  Enhance

    Layers - Merge - Merge group

    Blend Mode Luminance (Legacy) - Opacity 75 %

     8 - Edit – Copy  "mentali-misted2262"

    Edit – Paste as a new layer

    Image – Resize 75%  all layers not checked

    Objets – Align - Left 

     9 - Layers - New  Raster Layer

    Selections – Load / Save selection - Load selection from Disk "selection 1 rectangle"

    Fill with the light color

    Selections – Modify > Contract : 10 px

    Press the Delete key on the keyboard

     10 - Effects Eye Candy 5 – Impact - Glass -  Settings  Clear

    Basic Settings



    Selections - Invert

    Effects -  Textures effects -  Weave - Dark color


    Selections – Select none

     11 - Layers - Duplicate

    Pick Tool (k) Position Y 101

    Layers - Duplicate

    Pick Tool (k) Position Y  151

    Layers - Merge - Merge down

    Edit - Repeat Merge down

     12 -  Effects 3D - Drop shadow  -6, -6, 50, 10, black color

    Pick Tool (k) Position X 8, Position Y.  8

    the decoration is not always put in the right place with the settings, in this case move slightly with the mouse then enter the settings again

    13 -  Layers - New  Raster Layer

    Selections – Load / Save selection - Load selection from Disk "selection 2 rectangle bas"

    Fill with dark color

    Selections – Modify - Contract 10 px

    Press the Delete key on the keyboard

     14 - Effets Eye Candy 5 – Impact > Glass - Clear with same settings

    Selections - Invert

     15 - Effects -  Textures effects -  Weave - Light color


    Selections – Select none

    16 - Layers - Duplicate

    Pick Tool (K) Position Y 407

    Layers - Dplicate

    Pick Tool (k) Position Y 357

    Layers - Merge - Merge down

    Edit - Repeat Merge down

     17 - Effects 3D - Drop shadow  -6, -6, 50, 10, black color

    Pick Tool (k), Position X 790, Position Y 383.

    the decoration is not always put in the right place with the settings, in this case move slightly with the mouse then enter the settings again




    18 -. Edit – Copy "Yoka-TEXT-Silence1-150815"

    Edit - Paste as a new layer

    Image – Resize 75% all layers not checked

    Place at the top left

    Pick Tool (k), Position X 600, Position Y 18

    Effects 3D - Drop shadow  dark color



     19 - Save your work as a precaution before running the script

    File – Script -  Run

    Get the script from the hardware or from your Regulated Scripts folder

    This window opens

    Put in interactively mode if you want to change the colors, if not put in Silent mode

    uncheck the "Check script version" box


    Go to step 20


    If the script does not work for you, here are the steps in detail

    Image - Add borders 

    1 px dark color

    3 px light color or white

    1 px dark color


    10 px Light color or white


    1 px dark color

    3 px light color or white

    1 px dark color

    3 px light color or white

    1 px dark color


    10 px light color or white


    1 px dark color

    25 px light color or white

    1 px dark color


    End os Script




    Continue here after the script

    20 -  Selections –  Load / Save selection - Load selection from Disk  "Selection 3 bordures"

    Fill with dark color

    Effects -  Textures effects -  Weave - Light color

    Change the opacity



    21 -  Selections –  Load / Save selection - Load selection from Disk  "Selection 4 contour"

    Effects 3D -  Inner Bevel


    Selections – Select none

     22 - Add your watermark

    Layers - Merge - Merge all flatten

    Image - Resize 950 pixels

    Save Jpeg


    If you want, you can send me your version 

     If you have problems, or you find a not worked link, write to me


    L'hiver arrive


    2 autres versions avec des mists perso



    Muito obrigada Roberta



    Thank you so much Kika


    Thank you so much Trudy



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