• Miranda (en Anglais)







     Colybrix, thank you very much for your permission that I may translate your tutorials


     Tutorial here






    Eye Candy 5 : Impact

    Filters Unlimited - &>Bkg Designer sf10I





    Foreground #723a9d

    Background #efd2ee

    Color 3  #88b074

    Color 4  #ffffff



     Open the material on your Psp, duplicate and close the originals

    Erase the watermarks if necessary, minimize


    1 - Open Alpha layer – Window / duplicate  (Ctrl D)

    We work on the copy

    Effets Mehdi - Wavy Lab 1.1


     2 -  Adjust - Blur - Gaussian blur  40

    Layers - Duplicate

    Image – Mirror horizontal

    Image –  Flip

    Blend Mode Multiply

    Layers - Merge - Merge down

     3 - Layers – New Raster layer

    Fill with white color

    Layers – New mask layer from image – select NarahsMasks_1699

    Effects - Edges effects -Enhance

    Layers - Merge - Merge group

    4 - Selections - Load - Save selection - Load Selection 1 from Alpha Channel

    Press the Delete key on the keyboard

     Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow  0, 0, 50, 10 - Black color

    Keep the selection

     5 - Activate the bottom layer (Raster 1)

    Selections – Promote selection to layer

    Effects -  Texture effects - Weave


     6 -  Layers – New Raster layer

    Selections – Modify - contract 3 pixels

    Edit – Copy "fleur23-coly"

    Edit – Paste into selection

    (on my version 2 I pasted as new layer,  placed

    Invert the selection and press the Delete key on the keyboard, invert the selection again)

    Effets Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Glass –  Settings - Clear

    Selections – Select none

     7 Activate top layer - Group – Raster 2

    Effects - User Defined Filter -  Emboss 3


     8 -  Layers – New Raster layer

    Fill with background color

    Layers – New mask layer from image – select NarahsMasks_1696

    Effects - Edges effects -Enhance

    Layers - Merge - Merge group

     Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow  5, 5, 50, 10 - Black color

    Blend mode Overlay

     9 - Activate bottom layer Raster 1

    Layers - Duplicate

    Effects Filters Unlimited -   &>Bkg Designer sf10I -  AF62 Effected Emboss by default


    Opacity 70

    Layers - Merge - Merge down

     10 -  Layers – New Raster layer

    Fill with white color

    Layers – New mask layer from image – select NarahsMasks_1697

    Effects - Edges effects -Enhance

    Layers - Merge - Merge group

    Layers - Duplicate

    Image – Mirror horizontal

    Image –  Flip

     11  - Activate bottom layer Raster 1

    Edit – Copy

     12 - Image –  Add borders

    1  pixel – foreground color

    Image – Add borders

    5 pixels – white color

    1  pixel – foreground color

    13 - Selections - Select all

    Image – Add borders

    20 pixels – white color

     Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow  0, 0, 75, 50 -foreground color

    14 - Selections - Select all

    Image – Add borders

    20 pixels – white color

    Selections – Invert

    Edit – Paste into selection (background in memory)

     15. - Adjust - Brightness and Contrast


    Selections – Invert

     Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow  0, 0, 75, 50 - foreground color - in memory

    Selections – Select none

     16 -  Edit – Copy  "femme764-coly"

    Edit – Paste as a new layer

    Image – Resize 77 % -  all layers not checked

    Image – Mirror horizontal

    Place on the right

     17 - Layers - Duplicate

     Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow  0, 20, 75, 50 black color

    activate the layer below (the copy of the tube)

    Adjust – Blur - Gaussien blur  40

    Blend mode Multiply

    Effects - Texture effects - Mosaic antique


      18 -  Edit – Copy "vase82-coly"

    Edit – Paste as a new layer

     Image - Resize  55 % -  all layers not checked

    Place on the left

     19 Layers - Duplicate

     Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow  0, -20, 35, 10 black color

    activate the layer below (the copy of the tube)

    Adjust – Blur - Gaussien blur  40

    Blend mode Multiply

    Effects - Texture effects - Mosaic antique - same settings in memory

    20 -  Edit – Copy "Titre Miranda"  (or write your own)

    Edit – Paste as a new layer

    Place at the top left

    Effects 3D  - Inner bevel


    Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow  0, -5, 60, 10 black color

     21 - Add your watermark

    Image – Add borders

    1 pixel – foreground color

    Image – Resize 950 pixels - resize all layers checked

    Save Jpeg


    If you want, you can send me your version 

     If you have problems, or you find a not worked link, write to me


    L'hiver arrive


    Une version avec des tubes de Maryse


    Une autre version avec des tubes de Colybrix



    Thank you so much Kika



    Merci beaucoup Joice


    Muito obrigada Liriani


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