• Isa.Belle (en Anglais)







    Colybrix, thank you very much for your permission that I may translate your tutorials


     Tutoriel original ici







    Phpshares-hdj1 (Patched filter, in the material)

    Graphic Plus

    Mura’s Meister

    AAA Frame



    Color 1 > foreground :  #77193a

    Color 2 > background : #f3c3d6

    Color 3 : #ffffff

    Color 4 : #4a694a



    1 - Open a new transparent image 900 px * 550 px

    Effects Mehdi – Wavy Lab 1.1


    2 - Adjust - Blur - Gaussian blur 15

    Effects - Image effects - Seamless Tiling 


    3 - Effects - Reflection effects - rotating mirror


     Effects - Edge effects - Enhance X 2

    4 - Selection Tool (S) - Custom selection


    Selections – Promote selection to layer

    Selections - Select none

     5 - Layers - Duplicate

    Image - Mirror horizontal

    Effects Phpshares-hdj1 > Nina à 170


    6 - Activate de middle layer

    Effects Phpshares-hdj1 > missery à 30


     7 - Activate the top layer

    Layers - Merge - Merge down

     Effects - Image effects - Seamless Tiling - same settings

    Blend mode Multiply

    8 - Layers - Merge - Merge down

    Effects – Graphic Plus Cross Shadow


    9 - Layers - Duplicate

    Effects Mura’s Meister > Perspective Tiling


    Magic Wand Tool – Select the transparent part of the layer

    Selections - Modify -  Feather 30 / Ctrl-H

    10 - Press  6 times on the erase / Delete key on the keyboard

    Selections - Select none

    11 - Layers - new layer

    Fill the layer with the white color

     Layers – New mask layer from image – select Narah Mask 1624

     Layers - Merge group

    12 - Layers - Duplicate

    Layers - Merge - Merge down

    Blend mode Luminance ( Legacy)

    13 - Activate the bottom layer (Raster 1)

    Selection Tool (S) - Custom selection


    14 - Selections – Promote selection to layer

    Layers - Arrange - Bring to top

    Selections - Modify- Select Selection borders


    Fill with the white color

    Selections - Select none

    15 - Effects – 3D effects – Drop shadow 0, 0, 100, 25 black

    Effects - Image effects - Seamless Tiling 


    Tool select (K)  horiz. : 37, vert : -6

    16 - Activate the bottom layer

    Selections - Select all

    Activate the top layer

    Image - Crop to selection

    17 - Effects - Distorsion Effects - Wave


     Blend mode Soft Light (or other if you want)

    18 - Layers - Duplicate

    Image - Mirror

    Image - Flip

    19 - Activate Group Layer (raster2)

    Layers - Arrange - Bring to top

    Layers - Duplicate

    Opacity 50%

    20 - Activate layer bottom (Raster 1)

    Edit - Copy

    21 -  Image – Add borders

    1 pixel – foreground color

    3 pixels – color 4

    5 pixels foreground color

    22 - Selections – Select all

    Image – Add borders 45 pixels  foreground color

    23 - Selections - Invert

    Edit - Paste into selection (raster 1 in memory)

    Selection Invert

    Effects – 3D effects – Drop shadow 0, 0, 100, 50 black

    Edit - repeat drop shadow

    Selections - Select none

    24 - Effects AAA Frame > Foto Frame


     25 - Open "femme805-coly" - Erase the watermark

    Edit - Copy

    Edit - Paste as a new layer

    Image - Resize 80 % -  Resize all layers – not checked

     Effects – 3D effects – Drop shadow -10, 16, 40, 35 black

    26 -  Open "big_artimage_846835_7736268_20180603284620" - Erase the watermark

    Edit - Copy

    Edit - Paste as a new layer

    Image - Resize 65 % -  Resize all layers – not checked

     Effects – 3D effects – Drop shadow


    27 - Open "Titre en blanc" - I used the Agent Orange font

    Edit - Copy

    Edit - Paste as a new layer

    Move top left

    With the Magic Wand Tool - select inside letters and dots


     28 - Activate layer bottom (Raster 1)

    Selections - Modify - Expand 1 px

    Promote selections to layer

    Layers - Arrange - Move up X2 (under the text)

    Effects - 3D Effects - Inner bevel


    29 - Selections - Select none

    Activate the top layer (the text)

    Merge - Merge down

    Effects 3D - Drop shadow : 8, 8, 75, 5 black

    30 - Add your watermark

    Image – Add borders

    1 pixel – color 4

    1 pixel – foreground color

     31 - Image - Resize 950 pixels - Resize all layers checked

    Save as Jpg


    If you want, you can send me your version 

     If you have problems, or you find a not worked link, write to me

    L'hiver arrive

     Une autre version avec un tube femme de Nadège et un tube déco de Guismo



    Thank you so much for the 3 versions Gloria





    Thank you so much Roberta



    Thank you so much Flavia


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