• Hiver doux (en Anglais)




    Hiver doux


    Hiver doux


     Colybrix, thank you very much for your permission that I may translate your tutorials


     Tutorial here






    Mehdi 2

    Graphic Plus

    AAA Frame

    Flaming Pear > Flood 2 (ou Flood)

    You can download Flood 2 from the site here




    Foreground :  #324d5c

    Background : #e0e5e0

    Color 3 : #fda463

    Hiver doux


     1 - File - New  900 px / 550 px transparent

    Effects -  Mehdi - Wavy Lab 1.1

    Hiver doux


    2 - (!!! important step for the next filter)

     Adjust – Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise 

    Hiver doux

    Effects - Mehdi 2 - Flat Median

    Hiver doux

    Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

     3 -  Effects - Graphic Plus - Cross Shadow

    Hiver doux

     4 -   Layers – New Raster layer

    Fill with background color (or white)

     Layers – New mask layer from image – select "création.tine_masque361"

    Effects - Edges Effects - Enhance

    Layers - Merge - Merge group

    Effects 3D - Drop shadow 10, 4, 50, 10 black

     5 - Open "paysghiver37-coly"  Erase the watermark

    Edit – Copy 

    Edit - Paste as a new layer

    Pick Tool (k) : 402  - 64

    Layers - Duplicate

    Close the copy, activate the original

    Adjust - Blur - Radial blur

    Hiver doux

    6 - Effects - Edges Effects - Enhance

    Effects -  Texture effects - Weave 

    Hiver doux

    Blend mode Multiply

    Layers - Duplicate

    Image - Mirror - Mirror horizontal

    Layers - Merge - Merge down

     7 - Activate the top layer 

    Effects -  Image effects -  Seamless tiling - Side by Side 

    Hiver doux

     8 -  Open "déco"  - Edit – Copy 

    Edit - Paste as a new layer

    Blend mode Luminance (Legacy)  - Opacity 60 %

     9 Activate the bottom layer (Raster 1)

    Selections – Select all

    Image – Crop to selection

    Edit - Copy

     10 -  Activate the 2e layer from the bottom (the mask)

    Effects -  Flaming Pear - Flood 2

    You can also do the effect with Flood... same settings

    If you use Flood 2, set Style to Simple

    Hiver doux


    11 - Do the Flood filter on the top layer, the deco - same settings

     12 - Selections – Select all

    Image – Add borders 

    10 pixels – foreground color

    Selections – Invert

    Effects -  Texture effects - Weave (foreground color) - same settings

    Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel 

    Hiver doux

    Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

     13 -  Selections – Select all

    Image – Add borders

    40 pixels – foreground color

    Selections – Invert

    Edit – Paste into selection (background in memory)

     14 -  Selections – Promote selection to layer

    Effects -  AAA Frames - Frame Works

    Hiver doux 

    On my 2nd version, I left on Gold instead of Gray, so I didn't have to change the color afterwards

    it's up to you to see according to your colors


    15 -  Tool - Change to Target Brush -  size 50 - Opacity 100

    Hiver doux

    Left-click all around the border to colorize with your foreground color if you want

    Layers - Merge - Merge down

    Selections – Invert

    Effects 3D - Drop shadow  0, 0, 80, 25, couleur noire

    Selections – Select none

     16 - Open "Titre" - Copy

    Edit - Paste as a new layer

    Place at the bottom left

    Effects 3D - Drop shadow  -3, 6, 50, 10, couleur noire

    Blend Mode Luminance (Legacy) (or other)

     17 - Add your watermark

    Image – Add broders

    1 pixel – foreground color

    Image – Resize 950 pixels - resize all layers checked

    Save Jpeg


    If you want, you can send me your version 

     If you have problems, or you find a not worked link, write to me


    L'hiver arrive


    Une autre version avec un tube perso

    Hiver doux


    Une autre version avec des tubes de Colybrix et Tine

    Hiver doux


    Than you so much Marie

    Hiver doux

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