• Fantômes et Citrouilles (en Anglais)



    Fantômes et Citrouilles


    Fantômes et citrouilles



     Colybrix, thank you very much for your permission that I may translate your tutorials


     Tutorial here





     Filters Unlimited > VM Natural


    Graphic Plus



    Fantômes et Citrouilles

    Foreground : #39180f

    Background : #fce796


    1 - Open the material on your Psp, duplicate and close the originals

    Erase the watermarks if necessary, minimize

     2 -  File - New transparent 900 px / 550 px transparent

    Fill with foreground color

    Selections – Select all

     3 - Activate "misted_automne4_tine_10.2021-190"

    Tool Change to Target -  size 300 px -  go over the whole layer to change the color (or colorize as you wish)

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

    Edit - Copy

    Edit – Paste in the selection on your work

    Selections - Select none

    4 - Effects -  Image effects -  Seamless tiling - Side by Side 

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

    Adjust - Blur - Gaussian blur 30

    Adjust – Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise

    Fantômes et citrouilles

     5 - Edit – Paste as a new layer (landscape in memory)

    Don't resize, Opacity 50

    *Optional depending on your tube : Adjust - Brightness and Contrast

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

    Activate Raster 1, do the same setting Brightness and Contrast


    Fantômes et Citrouilles

     6 - Activate the top layer (Raster 2)

    Layers – New Raster layer

    Fill with background color

     Layers – New mask layer from image – select NarahsMasks_1671

    Effects - Edges Effects - Enhance

    Layers - Merge - Merge group

    Blend Mode Overlay

    7 -  Effects -  Texture effects - Weave (foreground color)

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

     8 -  Edit – Copy "hallow26mist-coly"

    Edit – Paste as a new layer

    Image - Resize 75%  resize all layers not checked

    Pick tool (k) Position X 175, Position Y -69

     9 - Layers – Arrange - Move down

    Active the top layer

     10 - Edit – Copy "Hallow39-coly"

    Edit – Paste as a new layer

    Image - Resize 50%  resize all layers not checked

    Tool Pick (k) Position X 3, Position Y 327

     11 - Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow - Black color

    Check: Shadow on a new layer

    Fantômes et Citrouilles 

    On the shadow layer

     Effects -  Texture effects - Weave (white color)

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

     12 - Edit – Copy (casper2-hallow13)

    Edit – Paste as a new layer

    Image - Resize 35%   resize all layers not checked

    Pick Tool (k) Position X 23, Position Y 22

     13 - Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow - Black color (same settings)

    On the shadow layer

     Effects -  Texture effects - Weave (white color) same settings

     14 - Activate top layer

    Layers – New Raster layer

    Fill with black color

    Effe ts - Illumination Effects - Sunburst

    *if you are using another landscape than mine, try to place the small cross on the small window on the left at the height of the moon if there is one (cancel and start again if you are not satisfied with the placement of the cross - you can also lower the opacity of the black layer a bit, to see what is underneath to help you

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

    Effects - Edge effects - Enhance

    Blend mode Screen -  opacity 60

     15 - Activate the bottim layer (Raster 1)

    Effects Filters Unlimited - VM Natural - Sparkle

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

     16 - Layers - Duplicate

    Effects Mock - Windo by default

    Opacity 50

     17 - Activate the bottom layer

    Edit – Copy

    Layers - Merge all flatten

    Selections - Select all

    Effects - Effects 3D - Cutout

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

    Selections - Select none

     18 - Image – Add borders

    1 pixel – black color

    3 pixels – background color (#fce796)

    1 pixel – black color

     19 - Selections – Select all

    Image – Add borders

    50 pixels – black color

    Selections – Invert

    Edit – Paste into selection

     20 -  Effects -  Texture effects - Straw wall

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

     21 - Effects - Graphic Plus - Cross Shadow

    by default except Intensity  80

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

     22 - Selections – Invert

    Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow - Black color

    Uncheck shadow on new layer

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

    Edit – Repeat Drop shadow

    Selections – Select none

     23 - Effects - AAA Frames - Foto Frame

    Fantômes et Citrouilles

     24 - Edit – Copy lthe tube (fetes_halloween13_tine)

    Image - Resize 65% resize all layers not checked

    Place on the right

    Drop shadow of your choice

     25 - Add your watermark

    Image – Add borders

    1 pixel – black color

     26 - Image – Resize 950 pixels - resize all layers checked

    Save Jpeg


    If you want, you can send me your version 

     If you have problems, or you find a not worked link, write to me


    L'hiver arrive



    Une autre version avec des tubes de Colybrix et Tine

    Fantômes et citrouilles


    Muito obrigada Joice

    Fantômes et citrouilles



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